You are not a commodity; don’t present yourself like one. And be mindful that your marketing message doesn’t come across to your target audience, as if you are pricing yourself as a commodity. I’m reminded of a question posed in one of the coaching forums that I’m a member of. It’s a question that I…
Read MoreA confused person never buys. Customers never buy because of product or service features. They buy into the outcome, benefit and transformation that those features will give them once they consume your product or utilize your service. And that, in essence, is what you are actually selling them. You are selling the perceived value of…
Read MoreThere’s a secret to aligning your marketing communications, to how people buy. Some marketing and sales thought leaders hypothesize that value comes from the story behind the product or service and not the service itself. I agree. The value you provide, is ultimately what people buy from you. (And that’s what you need to sell them!) So, if this…
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