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How Business Owners Beat the Post-Holiday Blues

How Business Owners Beat the Post-Holiday Blues

The close of the holiday season can sometimes lead to the January blues, leaving business owners feeling drained and unmotivated. “I’m exhausted” are the words I’ve been hearing from business owners with alarming regularity this month.  The December push to hit...

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14 Ways To Develop A Stronger Leadership Presence

14 Ways To Develop A Stronger Leadership Presence

Good leadership is crucial for any business. There’s a big difference between being just a boss and being a leader. While a boss simply tells people what to do and how to do it, a true leader guides and motivates their team to achieve goals while developing their...

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Share Your Story for More Income and Impact

Share Your Story for More Income and Impact

It's too easy to be swept along by life's circumstances and to become reactionary rather than intentional. It feels safer to stay in our comfort zone and hide our authentic selves, rather than take steps toward our big vision. It takes courage and determination to be...

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15 Creative Ways To Boost Revenue During a Recession

15 Creative Ways To Boost Revenue During a Recession

Numerous stats show that customer retention is a key component of a business's growth strategy. Especially during these turbulent economic times. Companies spend a lot on keeping customers coming back for more. However, a lot of companies don't see their existing...

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4 Business Tips to Maximize Fourth Quarter

4 Business Tips to Maximize Fourth Quarter

As we move into fourth quarter and an unpredictable economic future, what are your priorities for the remaining months of the year, and how are you setting yourself up for a strong 2023?  Here are four business tips to maximize fourth quarter and thrive during these...

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5 KPIs That Drive Business Growth

5 KPIs That Drive Business Growth

Harvard Business School reported that “in a survey of more than 1,000 senior executives conducted by PwC, highly data-driven organizations are three times more likely to report significant improvements in decision-making compared to those who rely less on data. While...

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