Insight & Wisdom

for creating success.

Meet Michela

Unlock the Science of Buyology to Increase Influence and Conversion

Have you ever tried communicating with multiple people to find your message lost in translation? 

People are a mixed bag of tendencies, preferences, experiences and judgments about others. We all have a unique blend of learning and communication styles, behavioural patterns, motivational preferences, and personality types.

Challenges arise when we need to work with others.  

These unique personality styles that each member of the team brings to the equation don’t always fit well together – and when we run into clashes and differences, our first tendency is often to label the other person with some adjective or other (ie) aloof, rude, soft, inconsiderate, etc. 

We make judgments about others, instantly and unconsciously.

What if none of those labels were true?

Unconscious bias is based on perception and not reality.

Instead of accepting the labels, what if we were able to step back and view what we see as behaviours that are rooted in an individual’s personality type?  

  • To SEE somebody as they truly are.
  • Create instant rapport.
  • Understand their outward-facing behavior as it genuinely is, and not translated through our filter of the world.
  • Unlock their personality code. 

We’d be in a much better position to empathize with others, optimize team strengths and (effectively) communicate in another person’s language, not ours — to be heard by them.

What If…?

  • What if we could quickly and easily clarify what our values are? 
  • What if we understood that our values drive our motivation and decision-making? 
  • What if we could also understand the values of others and what drives their behavior? — In about 90 seconds or less…! 

How might that positively impact your life, your relationships, your business, your ability to influence others, your marketing communication, and your sales conversions?

Case Scenario

My client is the principal of a boutique engineering firm and we’ve been working together since 2018. She has a very diverse team and when she initially reached out to me she was experiencing a gap in both internal and external communication.

There was friction between team members, and their ability to influence clients and stakeholders was very poor, resulting in frustration and increased stress. 

She wanted her team members to develop a greater understanding of their behaviour, to see their emotional intelligence expand and grow, to create more harmony in the workplace and be more effective communicators with clients. 

Our work together includes 1:1 Executive Coaching, Leadership team group coaching, and team communication training. 

I love to use personality assessment tools inside of my coaching and training programs because they are critical in helping us understand ourselves better; expanding our self-awareness AND understanding what matters to other people.

I partnered with a Master Trainer to deliver a BANKCODE personality training workshop for my client and it was a huge success. B.A.N.K. is a scientifically validated methodology that predicts “buying and buy-in behavior” in nanoseconds.  While most other personality type assessments are based on psychology, B.A.N.K. is based on buyology – the science of buying/buy-in behavior.

As Brian Tracey says, “All business is a people business.”  

The better we understand what drives people to make certain decisions, the more successful we will be in business (and in life). 

When you know what motivates people, you know how to influence them based on what matters to them.

Economist’s 2018 survey on workplace communication reveals that 42% of employees think poor communication in the workplace originates from different communication styles. 

Understanding these differences is a start to reducing communication barriers. 

You will communicate more clearly and deliver information in a way that recipients want to receive it.

People buy from us and buy-in to our ideas based on their reasons, not ours. We must learn to speak the language of our customers, prospects, colleagues, employees, and team members if we want to influence their behavior and create a win-win for everyone involved.

Contact me if you want to learn more about group training in the workplace to reduce communication barriers and create more harmony, increase your ability to influence others, or close more sales in less time.

To your success,


About Michela Quilici

International Business Growth Coach, Award-winning Marketing Strategist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Forbes Coaches Council. Known as a Business Navigator, Michela works with growth-minded business owners, service professionals and CEOs who want to ignite their businesses and accelerate growth, while building a business aligned to who they are.

She is passionate about creating roadmaps that ignite leaders to take inspired action to navigate their growth on purpose using strategy, systems and self-leadership, so they can get noticed, get clients and get profitable.