Insight & Wisdom

for creating sucess.

Meet Michela

It’s that magical time of year again. That subtle shift in the air, the days growing longer, and the Sun blessing us with its radiant energy – the start of the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, meanwhile, our friends down south are cozying up for winter. It’s a beautiful reminder of the cyclical nature…

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Right now, many of us are going through some serious changes and transitions, and it might be hitting us in ways we didn’t quite expect.  I’m talking about shifts in what we value, what we believe, even who we are and how we do business. And maybe, just maybe, the way we used to see…

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Being a business owner is no joke. If you want to grow a business, you’re in for a personal growth journey. Personal growth + business growth are like peanut butter and jelly. You can’t have one without the other. Your business is a great personal development teacher. It teaches you what you need to learn…

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Have you heard the saying, “it’s hard to see the trees when you are in the forest.” In this blog, I will share 5 tips to leapfrog from your comfort zone to your growth zone. But first… To truly excel as a leader and business owner, you must be willing to expand beyond what’s rattling…

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My name is Michela, and I’m a recovering overthinker. The external noise is deafening, but the internal noise feels more destructive. Maybe it’s because many people disconnect from the here and now by losing themselves in constant hectic thoughts, being entangled in the past or driven by the future, and being caught up in the…

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