Insight & Wisdom

for creating sucess.

Meet Michela

Visibility is not the same as getting clients. Getting visibility is easy. All you need to do is show up. People can’t buy from you, if they can’t find you, right? But, visibility is not enough; it’s just the first step. Visibility alone doesn’t get clients.  Knowing how to turn your visibility into profitability is…

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What is the right balance between sharing my content to stay top of mind versus selling and promoting my services, during a business crisis? I don’t want to appear insensitive, but I still need to earn revenue. The simple answer to that question is: it depends. The topic of content marketing versus selling during a…

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There’s a secret to aligning your marketing communications, to how people buy. Some marketing and sales thought leaders hypothesize that value comes from the story behind the product or service and not the service itself. I agree. The value you provide, is ultimately what people buy from you. (And that’s what you need to sell them!) So, if this…

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I was appalled when I read an article published in BC Business Magazine entitled Fake It to Make It by Niko Bell. I found the fact this was the ‘featured’ article in the Marketing section of the magazine to be somewhat curious. Giving earned media to Gravytrain Marketing, a company whose entire business is built…

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One of the biggest marketing trends this year is content marketing; future predictions from marketing pundits place content marketing on the trend watch list for 2013 as well. I don’t think it’s as much of a trend as it is one of many examples of the paradigm shift in the way we market. A shift…

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