I recently asked my Facebook community to share their wisdom on what keeps them inspired on hump day (ie) the middle of a workweek – Wednesday; used in the context of climbing a proverbial hill to get through a tough week. After hump day, the weekend gets closer.
What I found amazing is that everyone’s comments were generally referring to giving themselves permission for acts of self-love. Taking the time out to care for ourselves each and every day – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually – is really at the heart and soul of keeping inspired and motivated to carry on with our days and our ability to be our best selves at home and at work.
Thank you to my amazing online community for sharing their wisdom for all of us to learn from! Here is a collection I captured from the Facebook comments stream. I hope these nuggets of wisdom inspire you as much as they’ve inspired me!
“Being grateful to myself each day, especially Wednesdays. Grateful that I keep going, keep working out, keep cooking healthy meals, keep going to work, keep waking up and wanting to get up and get out in the sun and be the best mom I can be. Grateful that I have a part time job that lets me come home right when the kids are done school, and gives me a work life balance. Just being grateful it’s Wednesday because there’s only more days to Friday!” Sandra
“Morning affirmations, Qi Gong, specifically the hugging the tree stance for grounding and Prana breathing.” Patricia
“The beauty of working for myself is that if I’m not feeling motivated I can just go out on the deck, have an extra long coffee break, and then get back to work when I am ready, or just leave it all together and start again tomorrow. I’ve learned recently that just plowing through is actually counterproductive.” Nafissa
“Wednesday Wisdom: Start from today, be in this moment only. Breathe and let go of the past and the future, because neither exists in this moment. This moment is always perfect and everything is OK. Without the burden of yesterday, and fear of tomorrow you are free to express yourself in this moment, and the next… and so on.” Kaare
“MOVE to keep motivated, energized, vibrant! Breathe – move – ground.” Charlene
“Just get my head down and get on with the list in hand and look forward to a little reward later.” Mhairi
“I remind myself that today is another beautiful opportunity to create the life I desire. It’s a gift. I replace negative thoughts with loving, high-vibrational thoughts and consciously act with kindness towards myself and others. Breathe.” Kelli
“I take a deep breath, exhale and take something off my to do list that can wait.” Anne
What do YOU do to keep inspired on hump day? Please share your words of wisdom on this Facebook post and be part of the conversation.