Insight & Wisdom

for creating sucess.

Meet Michela

What if I told you… how you’ve been taught to create a target market profile is wrong? I fell into the same trap, which got me nowhere in my business for years…! Whether you’re starting a new business, launching a new product or service, or expanding into a new industry or geographical area, this is…

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It’s too easy to be swept along by life’s circumstances and to become reactionary rather than intentional. It feels safer to stay in our comfort zone and hide our authentic selves, rather than take steps toward our big vision. It takes courage and determination to be the creator of our destiny, to take personal responsibility…

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Today, there are many ways to target new clients, from leads services to social networks. If your business is struggling to find customers, don’t fret—you have plenty of options. Willing to experiment with the latest tactics? Forbes Coaches Council has a few recommendations for you. Read these unique, modern ways to find customers, and try…

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You have less than 5 seconds to attract attention and resonate with your prospective client before they click off your website, or stop listening to you speak. The secret to business growth is to think like your customer, so you can attract and convert your best clients. Your potential customer is looking for you. Consumers…

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Being a successful coach is all about finding the right client base. Not every client is going to be a perfect fit for your unique coaching style, and that’s okay — it’s better to focus your time and energy on the people who will truly get the most out of your services. With the right…

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