Insight & Wisdom

for creating sucess.

Meet Michela

When you’re presenting on stage, you, of course, want to be your most natural self. But having a “system” can be useful for engaging your audience and livening up your talk. I was asked to weigh in on this topic, along with my colleagues at Forbes Coaches Council to share our most creative tips for capturing an audience’s attention. Before your next presentation, see if one or two of…

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Have you even been told to ‘sit down and shut up’? Have you ever been stifled for words? Have you ever lost trust with your partner or workplace/confidant? Chances are, you’ve lost your power; the power to express opinions, suggestions and fears — and ultimately the power to be heard. Michela Quilici, President & CEO of…

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A confused person never buys. Customers never buy because of product or service features. They buy into the outcome, benefit and transformation that those features will give them once they consume your product or utilize your service. And that, in essence, is what you are actually selling them. You are selling the perceived value of…

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