Insight & Wisdom

for creating sucess.

Meet Michela

If you’re not making a profit in the first three years in business, technically, your business is a hobby. There would be nothing wrong with that if you designed it that way. But, maybe you don’t want a hobby business; you are a change maker driven by making more impact. It’s one thing to start…

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If you are like many of my clients who come to me for help, you have a vision for yourself and big dreams for your business, so much so that it can sometimes get overwhelming. The secret to business growth is about charting a course and taking action. You may be asking yourself one of…

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As a woman entrepreneur working primarily on your own, you know what it’s like to be the face of your business and work solo to build up brand-YOU. Sometimes we forget that although we work on our own as the solo-preneur in our business, we are not alone in this endeavor. (Especially in British Columbia,…

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There are a hundred and one tools and techniques that are used in marketing and business development. Some work better than others, but most, if not all, forget the fundamentals. Before a market will buy from you they must: 1. Know you 2. Trust you 3. Like you These are the fundamental steps of building…

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