There are a hundred and one tools and techniques that are used in marketing and business development. Some work better than others, but most, if not all, forget the fundamentals.
Before a market will buy from you they must:
1. Know you
2. Trust you
3. Like you
These are the fundamental steps of building business. It seems very basic, and it is; however, don’t confuse basic with easy. The rest of the things that you do are secondary. If these fundamentals aren’t respected, the model will lack sustainability.
Don’t undervalue the importance of these three building blocks of success.
What do these three building blocks mean in practical terms?
- It means gaining visibility in the places in which your target market hangs out. Wherever your market is, so should you be.
- It means getting in front of the people who care about what you offer and telling them what you do and why it matters to them.
- It means building your reputation by being outstanding at what you do and creating your success stories.
- It means stepping into your expert shoes and speaking with authority about your business manifesto and why it’s important to your audience.
- It means doing what you say, and telling the truth.
- It means following up, and following your words through, with your actions.
- It means creating an aura around what you do so you stand out, based on your special and unique qualities.
- It means having an attitude of service and being the solution to problems, not the creator of them.
What are some of the things that you do to be visible, trustworthy and likeable in your business and how is it working for you? Please leave your comments in the space below.
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