Are you laser focused or do you give yourself over to distraction?
I have a client who is fiercely determined to realize her vision and is impatient for results. Consequently, she chases up every ‘new idea’ she hears about with the hopes that one idea might get her to her destination faster.
In the entrepreneurial world, this is called chasing shiny objects – and when we give ourselves over to distraction it is a total act of self-sabotage toward creating success; a disempowerment ploy, to keep you where you are.
Rather than achieving her goals faster, she has realized that chasing shiny objects is a distraction from following the proven business growth plan that we have created together — and quite honestly, an avoidance of doing the work that is required to be successful. Through this process, what she’s learned about herself is that it’s OK to be inspired by all of these great ideas, and she doesn’t have to ACT on all of them… right now. She is learning to build her patience muscle and empowering herself to be laser focused ONLY on those things that will move her in the direction of her goal.
Success in business (and life) is 20% strategies and tools and 80% how you show up and how you lead yourself.
Who do you need to be, in order to lead yourself to the next level of your business excellence?
If you are tired of chasing shiny objects and you are ready to get focused, reach out to me. Maybe you don’t have an action plan, your vision for up-leveling your business isn’t clear or you feel like you’re floating. And what you really want is clarity, direction and a system to follow, that works. You will appreciate my ability to map out a simple plan for achieving your goals, so you can stop winging it and start achieving the level of success you know you deserve.