As leaders, how do we build resiliency during Corona times, and move our business forward to finish strong this year?
We are still in the middle of a global economic crisis. There is no question about that. And we don’t know how long this will last. The conversations I’m having with my clients these days are all about how business owners can be resourceful in finding new ways to move their business forward in the face of adversity, re-entry and burnout.
As we enter Q4, a lot of business owners are emotionally and mentally exhausted. And maybe you can relate. Many months of stress, loss, disruption and change can take a toll on the body and mind. Even seemingly strong leaders – the ones who look like they have it all together – carry emotional and financial burdens on their shoulders.
Resiliency is a muscle that is getting a major workout right now! Being resilient and advancing with as much ease and grace as possible, has become the order of the day. As leaders, we can’t afford to wait and see what happens — our clients, our team, and our community are depending on us to lead the way and walk them through this, to the other side.
If you want to maximize your ability to move forward in a less stressful and more effective way, I share three mindful insights for tapping into your resourcefulness to thrive in this new and different economic climate.
- Choose Wisely
I believe that no matter what our circumstances are, we always have a choice about how we think, feel, and respond. And if we want to change something, we can make a different choice. You are empowered to make different choices that lead to new outcomes. Once you see a new path forward, hope can re-enter to offer you the energy you may need to move on.
Within each situation is an experience worth learning or an idea worth pursuing. This mindset promotes the growth and development of those around you, too, permitting them to do the same.
- Influence Your Future
I had a tendency, in the past, to confuse mistakes and setbacks as failure. As a recovering perfectionist, this was a big one for me. When perceived this way, fear of failure can set in and paralyze us from making healthy and necessary choices.
When I find myself slipping into this cycle of thinking, I am quick to remember that a wise person is the person in the room who has made the most mistakes and is willing to admit them. Growth and learning happen there. You can’t change the past, but you can be in the present moment and influence your future by changing your attitude and your actions moving forward.
- Keep Looking Forward
There was a time when I tolerated too much and felt stuck. Until the time came when I realized that being proactive is a choice. That’s when I chose to create success on my terms.
I heard a saying that there’s a reason why the windshield is bigger than your rear-view mirror. Keep looking forward as your mind scans the past from time to time. If your mind gets stuck in the past, stop your thoughts from ruminating by asking yourself, “Is this thought useful?” Follow this with a gratitude journal of everything that’s going right in your life, micro-wins, and what you need to do to reach your goal.
So, those are my three mindful insights for tapping into your resourcefulness for moving your business forward during these trying times.
Here are a few other helpful resources from my Podcast: Q Your Business Success:
Getting Back in the Zone, and Staying There
From Overwhelm to Cool, Calm and Collected
To your resilience,
p.s. When you’re ready to accelerate your business growth with greater ease, here are three ways of working with me:
‘Get-It-Done’ Business Builder: We’ll focus on ONE priority project that you want to complete in the next 30 days related to marketing, sales or business strategy, so you can get back to doing what you love most. Perfect for business owners who want bite-sized ways of getting hands-on support from an expert, without the long-term commitment.
Business Igniter: We roll up our sleeves and customize YOUR business growth roadmap – to create a brand message that magnetizes your buyer, an attraction and engagement strategy that fills your funnel, and a nurture and conversion strategy to get clients. Perfect for aspiring 6-figure business owners who need a strategic plan that leads to growth.
Elegant CEO: Scale & Leverage Program: Perfect for CEOs who want to get out of the weeds of the day-to-day operations of their business, increase profitability, create leverage, and scale to 7-figures.