Insight & Wisdom

for creating success.

Meet Michela

What business are you in?

What you do and what you offer are two different things.solution selling

Knowing there is a difference between what you do and what you offer is one thing, and understanding that difference, is an entirely different thing. (Confusing or what!)

Let me explain.

Understanding what business are you actually in is essential to answering the question about what you offer versus what you do. (Hint: you are not in the business of selling your product or service.)

If somebody (a potential prospect) were to ask you what you do for a living, you might tell them you’re a coach, consultant, therapist, financial advisor, realtor or fill in the blank of what you do here _______.

That’s a vaguely interesting little piece of information you just provided, but not a compelling reason why they should buy from you and it’s a bit of a conversational non-starter.

This is what we know about people:

  1. People buy from people, not companies
  2. People are motivated to buy based on feelings
  3. People buy from people they know, like and trust
  4. People want to engage with you if they believe what you believe in
  5. People are looking for solutions to their problems

Knowing what we know about people, how would your answer change if somebody were to ask you what you do for a living?

If you are a financial advisor, you are not in the financial planning business. You are in the people business, and furthermore, you offer those people (your particular niche market) peace of mind and a feeling of safety in knowing that you are protecting their lifestyle.

Once you clearly understand what business you are actually in, this will change everything! It will change how you talk about yourself to your potential client, and allow you to connect with your audience in a much more meaningful way.

When communicating about your business, always remember to position the value you provide your clients and the solution you provide to their problems.

If you understand this concept you are well on your way to becoming a sales and marketing superstar!

What you do and what you offer are two different things. Know the difference.


About Michela Quilici

International Business Growth Coach, Award-winning Marketing Strategist, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Forbes Coaches Council. Known as a Business Navigator, Michela works with growth-minded business owners, service professionals and CEOs who want to ignite their businesses and accelerate growth, while building a business aligned to who they are.

She is passionate about creating roadmaps that ignite leaders to take inspired action to navigate their growth on purpose using strategy, systems and self-leadership, so they can get noticed, get clients and get profitable.