One of my favourite quotes is by author Anaïs Nin, you may have heard it before. She said, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” I love that quote – there’s so much wisdom when we really unpack those words.
Sometimes when we’re locked in our flower bud (in the bud of our own selves) it’s really hard to imagine ourselves in full bloom, fulfilling our dream. It’s only when we come into our own and look backward that we see how far we’ve come and most of the time we are amazed by the fact that “Wow, I actually did that!” and you might ask yourself “Why didn’t I do that sooner? Why did it take me so long??”
Maybe you had a public speaking experience that went well, or you’re finally starting or expanding your business. Did you wish you’d done that sooner, not waited so long?
Can you relate to that?
Quite often, the reasons why we don’t do things sooner are:
- We don’t know how to move forward;
- We are fearful – afraid of making mistakes or failing OR afraid of succeeding beyond even our wildest dreams; or
- We’re waiting for that perfect moment to launch or start that ‘thing’.
Sometimes it feels like the risk is greater to blindly take that leap of faith to say yes to doing something new or different, to take the next step, or to invest time, energy, money in ourselves in exchange for something better.
But in reality, nothing is greater than the risk of doing nothing, standing still, shrinking back, settling for something that doesn’t feel good inside, or tolerating “the way things are.”
So the question I have for you is:
Will you give yourself permission to blossom to the next level of your potential, so that you can create even more success for yourself?
Here are 3 tips for helping you to take the leap across the chasm from where you are now, to where you want to go.
- Develop an insatiable hunger for your dream. Participate in active imagination to crystalize your vision into something palpable – imagine the shape, weight, feelings, and archetypal energy of your vision.
- Lean in and touch the dissatisfaction or desire. Get in touch with your core desire or dissatisfaction – the emotion that is catalyzing you into creating something new for yourself.
- Map out baby steps. Get into action by mapping out the very first baby step that will move you in the direction of your dream, and then do it.
I’ve had my fair share of successfully leaping into something new, before I was necessarily feeling ready to do so. If you know you need some support from a professional, to walk beside you as you create your next level of success, let me be your guide. Contact me for a no obligation consultation conversation. I will shed some light on the path before you and show you a simpler way of moving forward.