How do we move our business forward, when the world seems to be crumbling around us? That’s the big question that I want to address, as we dive into five ways you can move your business forward in the face of adversity. (Listen to the audio version of this blog on my Podcast)
We are smack in the middle of a global economic crisis. There is no question about that. And we don’t know how long this will last. Many businesses have been forced to shutter their doors, while others struggle to survive. The conversations that I’ve been having lately with my clients are centered around how small business owners can be resourceful in finding new ways to move the business forward in the face of adversity.
One thing I know for sure is that we can’t just sit around on our laurels and wait and see what happens – that’s probably the worst thing we can do. Because by then, it will be too late; we will have fewer options.
Imagine this… you want to get somewhere in your car. You map out your route and start driving, and then you hear on the radio that there’s an accident on the highway you were planning on taking.
In that moment, you are at a choice point.
You can either change your route and find a different way to get to your destination to avoid the traffic jam, OR you can choose to take your chances and see what happens. So, let’s say you decide to take your chances and continue as previously planned with the hope and prayer that by the time you get there, the road will be all clear.
However, that doesn’t happen, you hit the traffic jam. Then, you’re stuck on the highway for hours. At that point, you have only one choice left, which is to wait… until somebody, somewhere does something that will allow you to move forward, again.
That seems crazy to me.
This notion of handing over our power to somebody else who may or may not do something that will be in our best interest. But, yet, I’m guilty of having done it, and people do it all the time.
When we choose the ‘wait and see’ option – we effectively diminish our ability to have choices.
So, if you want to be able to have different options and choices to move forward in a less stressful, more successful way, I want to share five mindful insights for tapping into your resourcefulness to do so.
- You are Always in Choice
I believe that no matter what our circumstances are, we always have a choice about how to think, feel, and react. And if we want to change something, we can make a different choice. You are empowered to make different choices that lead to new outcomes. Once you see a new path forward, hope can re-enter to offer you the energy you may need to move on.
- Reframe the Setback
There was a time when I thought of giving up being an entrepreneur because the growth journey seemed too long and too hard. We tend to think growing a business should be easier than it is, but the reality is that it’s not. Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart, and it’s not for everybody. If you are growing a business, then setbacks and mistakes are part of the journey and are an inevitable part of the discovery process. Shifting your mindset will change your outlook. Have confidence that whatever path you may be on is exactly where you should be. Remember there is no failure; only failed attempts that result in learning. Keeping our gratitude higher than our expectations keeps things in perspective, even when we make mistakes. The key is looking at the setback as an opportunity to grow.
- Focus on What you can Change
I had a tendency, in the past, to confuse mistakes and setbacks as a failure. As a recovering perfectionist, this was a big one for me. When perceived this way, fear of failure can set in and paralyze us from making healthy and necessary choices. When I find myself slipping into this cycle of thinking, I am quick to remember that a wise person is the person in the room who has the most mistakes and is willing to admit them. Growth and learning happen there. You can’t change the past, but you can be in the present moment and influence your future by changing your attitude and your actions moving forward.
- Be Proactive
There was a time when I tolerated too much and settled for what was, thinking that I was stuck. Until the time came when I realized that being proactive is a choice. That’s when I chose to create success on my terms.
I heard a saying that there’s a reason why the windshield is bigger than your rear-view mirror. Keep looking forward as your mind scans the past from time to time. If your mind gets stuck in the past, stop your thoughts from ruminating by asking yourself, “Is this thought useful?” Follow this with a gratitude journal of everything that’s going right in your life, micro-wins, and what you need to do to reach your goal.
- Embrace the Learner’s Mindset
I believe that when we become students of life and business, this fosters an environment of continuous improvement. As we are often our own worst critics, it is easy to continue dwelling on mistakes, setbacks, and things that generally aren’t going the way we hoped or expected. Yet, where is the value in that? Instead, take the opportunity to embrace a learner’s mindset, because within each situation is an experience worth learning or an idea worth pursuing. This mindset promotes the growth and development of those around you, too, permitting them to do the same.
So, those are my five mindful insights for tapping into your resourcefulness for moving your business forward during these trying times
I’m curious about some of the tools, resources, and techniques you are using to create a more resourceful way to approach business growth in the coming months. Drop me a comment below.
And, if you are tired of tolerating your current business situation and you are ready to create success on your terms – even during a pandemic, I can help. Reach out to me for support.
If you strategically position yourself for the recovery now, I do not doubt that you can make 2021 your best year yet.
If you are ready to get expert support, I’d like to offer you a complimentary Business Clarity Session with me. During our call you will:
- Create a crystal clear vision for ultimate business success
- Get focused on the next most powerful step toward your goals
- Uncover the hidden challenges that could be sabotaging your sales and marketing efforts
- Leave the session renewed, re-energized and inspired to finally grow your business faster and easier than ever before
I have very limited spots available, so if you want to take advantage of this offer I invite you to apply today, by going to