I typically facilitate two, sometimes three wisdom circle masterminds each month. This is value-packed, powerful event at which 10-12 business women meet in an intimate business setting to get to know each other, mastermind business challenges and brainstorm solutions. It is a fabulous way to develop authentic connections with other business owners walking on the same path of business growth. Besides the validation that you get from being with a like-minded community who ‘gets’ you and what you’re going through, it’s also one of the best ways to get out of the weeds of working in your business to get a fresh perspective on some of the things that are on your plate.
All of the women that come to these sessions leave feeling inspired, motivated and energized, with tons of good business tips and insights you can implement in your business right away with the added bonus of making new connections with potential clients, collaborative partners while gaining access to business resources for growth. It is simply awesome! And, it’s one of my favourite ways to support women in business to create massive success for themselves.
At one of our sessions, one of the women who runs a successful 6-figure business came forward with a business challenge for us to workshop. She told us that she was very tentative about kicking her business into the next gear of growth. We held space for her to pull back the curtain of her emotional body to reveal what she was most afraid of. What she shared with us opened up a very real discussion about the realities of growing a business – especially if you are a Type A, go-getter, and mission-driven kind of lady boss. The type of courageous, driven woman who hustles to create what she wants in life and business.
She told us that she worked so hard to get where she is, and it was tough. It was a journey of pain, grit, tears, frustration AND triumph! Yet, she felt so traumatized from the business-building journey that she’s afraid to jump on the growth train again, for fear of reliving the same painful journey all over again.
As I heard her speak these words, it sounded to me like she had a little bit of PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, after which a person is exposed to a traumatic event they develop symptoms including distress or attempts to avoid trauma-related cues, and in increase in the flight-or-fight response.
The nods around the table confirmed that she wasn’t alone, and our ensuing dialogue about this topic got me thinking of you.
In that moment, it was so clear to me just how heroic it is to be a business owner or entrepreneur. I bet if we had known how challenging it truly is to build a successful, profitable and sustainable business – we probably wouldn’t have signed up for this gig.
But, we did.
And, here we are.
The truth of the matter is that being a business owner isn’t easy, but we don’t have to suffer.
I’ve put together some of my best-proven insights that I utilize every single day in order to continue to outperform my best self AND my bottom-line.
5 tips for overcoming ongoing traumatic stress (OTS) when growing your business:
- Stop fighting that ‘thing’ that is making your life difficult. Every challenge that you are presented with in your business is your friend, not your foe. Let it be your guide and your best teacher for showing you where your next learning edge is.
- Check your expectations, and reframe. What expectations are you placing on yourself and are they realistic based on who you are, where you are, and what you are. Let yourself off the hook, by reframing your expectations, so that they best support you to thrive.
- Practice self-compassion and give yourself a boatload of grace as you walk the hero’s journey. Beware of the voices of your inner bully, inner judge, and inner critic. Just because they talk to you, doesn’t mean you have to listen.
- Work with your gifts, not against them. Knowing yourself enables you to acknowledge your strengths and recognize your areas for improvement. Rock your superpowers.
- Become aware and accept ALL of the many facets of who you truly are. Your greatest gift is your greatest blind spot if left unchecked. Learn to master your two sides of the same coin.
And so, if you are anything like my clients or myself you are on this heroic journey building a purpose-driven business based on your passion, so that you can create a business and life you desire while doing what you love.
You have a choice.
You can either take the business growth challenge as something that happens TO you and be a slave to the suffering that you create for yourself by doing so, or you can decide that everything that happens is FOR you to learn what you must learn, so you can be who you must become in order to step into your next best self as a person and as a business owner.
You got this.
If you see the value in learning from others who have walked your path, I am here to help. I’ve walked the journey and I’ve learned many insightful and game changing things along the way. I can shed some light on your blind spots or perhaps a stale perspective or belief that you might be harbouring that isn’t serving you well. Reach out and schedule a 45 minute (no obligation) clarity session, you’ll be glad you did.