Insight & Wisdom

for creating sucess.

Meet Michela

A few mindset shifts can create the change you desire to transform your life & business. If you feel stuck in a pattern in your life or business, you can get out of the rut with a few simple techniques. You may even think you know what to do and tried them. As T. Harv Eker…

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For a long time, I was acting as if I were an extrovert. I wasn’t consciously trying to be an extrovert, but rather I was allowing myself to be influenced by the extraverted world we live in. Being an introvert in business is not easy, when our extroverted business world is set up by and…

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What do you think of when you hear the word sales? Does it make you excited, do you feel indifferent, or do you feel uncomfortable? Many people seem to feel uncomfortable around the word sales because so many people who try to sell do it poorly, giving the whole endeavor a bad name. Yet, without…

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