Insight & Wisdom

for creating sucess.

Meet Michela

It’s that magical time of year again. That subtle shift in the air, the days growing longer, and the Sun blessing us with its radiant energy – the start of the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, meanwhile, our friends down south are cozying up for winter. It’s a beautiful reminder of the cyclical nature…

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I’ve got change on my mind…and I want to share something with you. Whether it’s in your personal journey or your business evolution, embracing the magic of “creating the new” can truly propel you forward. Baby steps lead to momentum, and action begets more action.  That’s the essence of what we’re talking about here. It’s…

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I recently re-engaged with a client who I had previously worked with. He is the CEO of a fast-growing accounting and bookkeeping practice. The first-time around we worked on refining his marketing message so that all of his marketing collateral and sales communication was super aligned with what his firm represents. When presenting to prospects…

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Resistance is nothing more than fear. In my experience, the more fear I have about doing something in particular, the more I know and feel deep down inside that it’s probably a really important step that I need to take in order to grow personally, professionally – or both. The more important that ‘thing’ is,…

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