Insight & Wisdom

for creating sucess.

Meet Michela

Whether or not we admit it, everyone has unconscious biases. When unacknowledged, bias can limit your potential to truly connect with others or damage connections you’ve already made. All professionals — but professional coaches especially — can suffer from diminished job performance because of personal biases. But with effort, it’s possible to become aware of…

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Crises are always looming on the horizon. Whether it’s because of a global economic downturn or something even more disastrous, coaches need to be able to adapt how they communicate with their clients to offer these business owners support. During a crisis, especially, the need for a coach to be inventive in their engagement or…

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Are you wondering where you should put your business and marketing focus right now? “What is the right marketing message to send to my network? How should I engage with my prospects? How can I be of service to my clients? Where should I be putting my attention?” Ultimately, we are in business to deliver…

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For a long time, I was acting as if I were an extrovert. I wasn’t consciously trying to be an extrovert, but rather I was allowing myself to be influenced by the extraverted world we live in. Being an introvert in business is not easy, when our extroverted business world is set up by and…

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